Glooston church from the south
In 1086 the recorded population of Glooston was eight. This village increased to 177 by 1831 but has steadily declined to 54 in the 2001 census. There has been some new housing near the road to Goadby so perhaps this has increased.
But we can still safely say that this is a small village like so many others in this area of Leicestershire, and like them it is also located in beautiful countryside. It has been occupied for centuries, a Roman Villa was excavated in 1946 by the stream, and today the Brudenell family own much of the land as they do at Stonton Wyville and the surrounding area.

The view to the nave and the west windows
The church of St John the Baptist was largely rebuilt in 1866-67, although it kept to the original plan which dates back to to 15th or 16th century as well as some of the fabric. A 13th century piscina is still housed in the nave and a 13th century font is by the southern door entrance, the northern door has been filled in. It is a small church with a nave, chancel, south porch, and a bellcote, a small graveyard which is a rather unkempt falls away on the south side into a small valley. The church is surrounded by trees and I might add crows, on both my visits they were very vocal.

The chancel and east window of this Victorian restored church
Glooston is a very quiet peaceful village and although the church is not in such a good setting as Cranoe or the delightfull Stonton Wyville, if you are in the area its definately worth a visit – you could walk to all three in a few hours and then have a pint in between.
Inside the church has a fine beamed roof and with no tower there are two large windows in the east wall which help light the church. The pews are plain with little adornment but the whole church has a warmth about it. The church is still used for services now and then and they have a short church information sheet on its history. The church is not usually open but can be arranged if you contact the churchwardens.

Pretty window in the south chancel wall
There is parking by the Old Barn Inn and the church is just about next door. Wheelchair access is fine with paths and no steps. As mentioned there is a pub in the village the Old Barn Inn which I did visit and the staff were very friendly, they do good food and as mentioned in the Cranoe Church post this is the only pub for a few miles and worth a visit.
Randy Pace
My sister Cheryl told me about your project to photography early churches of the area – your photographs of Glooston Church are incredible. thanks as my ancestor, Rev. John Owsley was Rector here and is buried under the altar with his wife, Dorothea Poyntz, who is a descendant of numerous Magna Charta Barons. Thanks Randy
Cheryl Frame
Thank you for all the beautiful photos. I visited the Glooston Church in 2001 with a large group of distant cousins. Our Owsley ancestor is buried behind the alter in the Glooston Church. I am writing a news article for our Owsley Family Newsletter and I am going to include your website to all the members. It is a great project you are undertaking and I really appreciate all your efforts. If you are Chris Jones taking the photos I wanted to thank you for finding Jane Davies while you were in Glooston several years ago taking photos. We are now back in contact thanks to you.
August 29, 2016
My wife’s grandmother is buried in the churchyard,when we visited some years back we could not find her grave, she did keep the local pub The Blue Bell then called,her name was Mrs Leake she lived in the village.
May 27, 2018
Hi Paul,
Who is your wife? She must be my cousin as Ivy Leak is also my Grandmother. Is she the daughter of Doug or George? My mum was Joan.
Sandra Williams nee Neal
Sandra Williams
January 13, 2019
My ancestor, John Owsley, is buried there.
July 28, 2019
Hello Cousin.
Walt Branson. Martha Jane Ously Was my Grandmother
September 19, 2020
I believe that our family is descended from Rev. Owsley..our family history is hard to track here in the “states”..we now spell it Ousley but I feel certain that it originates from the same group. Lovely Church.
July 28, 2019
We had a nice visit to the church.
We were lucky to find someone with the key.
Thank You for taking good care of it.
It was a privilege to hold the silver chalice that Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather used.
January 7, 2020
My husband and I are looking forward to a visit near Glooston next month (Feb 2020) and would love to visit the church. My great great great great great great great great great grandparents were John and Dorothy (Poyntz) Owsley. We visited there in 2018 and are excited about making a return visit. We met a nice and very informative gentleman who lives near the church, but we have lost his contact information. Could someone please contact me regarding how we might be able to visit the church again? We would love to attend a service if one is available. Thanks so much.
February 16, 2020
Did you get a reply? Are you there now? Go to the local pub/restaurant and they have info as to how to get in.
Sorry no one is minding this board.
September 19, 2020
The American Ousley family is, I am convinced, descended from this place. We find many spellings of the name here in the U.S., but the name remains unusual, leading me to believe it’s roots are from a common group.
We had very little contact with my father’s family, due largely to his father’s early death.
They are buried in Centralia, Missouri..great-grandfather was John Ousley.
March 3, 2022
I also have family buried here!
My 1st cousin 2x removed was the Rev Reginald Metcalfe. He was born in Sydney, NSW, Australia on 20 Aug 1954 and was buried here on 24 Nov 1925.
His wife was Eveline Augusta Sophia Pocock – m 27 Jul 1895 at Tatenhill, Staffordshire. She also is buried here, on 18 Apr 1951.
October 6, 2023
Reginald died at the Cottage Hospital in Market Harborough.I have been doing some research on Reginald Metcalfe’s wife’s Pocock family. Eveline was the 3rd daughter of Col Sir George Francis Coventry Pocock. After Reginald died she lived with her sister Ida Maud Pocock at Rosslyn House, Slawston, Leicestershire. Ida died there in June 1940 and was buried at Glooston, Eveline continued to live at Slawston until her death in 1951. They were well respected in the village – my uncle’s family (Palmer) lived opposite them at Valley Farm.
May 5, 2024
In the 1960s, I was at Cranoe School with Shirley and Carol Marlow who lived in Roslyn House, Slawston. I also know Valley Farm where the Palmers lived – they had 6 sons, and two of their grandchildren were also at Cranoe School, so you must be related to David and Malcom Palmer who are cousins.
March 25, 2022
My paternal Grandfather FRANK COLEMAN HARDING was born in Glooston in 1886.
His parents were FRANCIS HARDING 1826-1902
His brothers and sisters were DAMARIS COLEMAN HARDING (Female) b 1855
ELIZABETH MARTHA HARDING b 1863 (emigrated to USA)
My grandfather moved with his family to Derbyshire then North Nottinghamshire.
Any info from any source would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
October 2, 2022
Hi, My great grandmother is Sally Eames Harding. Just seen this thread as on holiday here and will visit Glooston this week. Looking forward to seeing the church and house they lived in too Nicki
March 7, 2023
Hello…..just seen this post and amazingly Sally Eames Harding was the sister of my paternal Grandfather, Frank Coleman Harding.
I would love to share any family information you may have.
My e-mail is.
Land line 01909 566120
Mob. 07756663655
October 2, 2022
Hi, My great grandmother is Sally Eames Harding. Just seen this thread as on holiday here and will visit Glooston this week. Looking forward to seeing the church and house they lived in too Nicki
March 18, 2023
Leicestershire and Rutland member Mike Coleman is doing a zoom talk on Glooston ancestry on Wednesday 22nd march at 7.30pm. with Coleman in the names you mention, there might be a connection ? If you’d like link, please email me at publicity@lrfhs.org.uk. Small donation appreciated.
May 5, 2024
Our neighbours, in the 1950/60s were Sam and Edith Coleman. Sam told me that his mother moved into their cottage when the row was newly built, although the cottages look older than that. I visited Mrs. Coleman until she died in 1982.
May 5, 2024
Our neighbours, in the 1950/60s were Sam and Edith Coleman. Sam told me that his mother moved into their cottage when the row was newly built, although the cottages look older than that. I visited Mrs. Coleman until she died in 1982.